Davis’s Q&A Success Series (PRINT LIBRARY BOOKS)
Print books from F.A. Davis are available for checkout at the library
Print books from F.A. Davis are available for checkout at the library
In 1955, Emmett Till—a young African-American from Chicago—was brutally murdered in Mississippi. His shocking and violent death—at the age of fourteen—brought national attention to racial…
Madam C.J. Walker (born Sarah Breedlove; December 23, 1867 – May 25, 1919) was an African American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and activist. Click here to learn more.
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Interested in taking a business or technology certification exam? Click here for information on exam vouchers, GetCertified, Pearson VUE, and more.
Darril Gibson, who authored many IT certification exam study guides, died at the age of 64 on September 8th, 2022.
Introducing CINAHL Ultimate, the new definitive nursing and allied health resource database. EBSCO’s CINAHL Ultimate is the ultimate research tool for nursing and allied health…
On Sunday, August 7, 2022, renowned historian and award-winning author David McCullough passed away at the age of 89. Learn more about the life and…
The James Webb Space Telescope is an infrared space telescope launched into space on December 25, 2021. Images from the telescope were first released to…
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